Building an observability platform for Kubernetes using CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) open-source projects is a great approach to ensuring your cloud-native applications are scalable, reliable, and
easy to troubleshoot. Observability platforms typically focus on three pillars: metrics, logs, and traces, providing insights into the health, performance, and behaviour of your Kubernetes clusters and applications.
Here is a step-by-step guide to building an observability platform for Kubernetes using CNCF open-source tools:
1. Metrics Collection with Prometheus
Prometheus is a leading open-source monitoring solution from CNCF, known for scraping metrics from
services running in a Kubernetes cluster.
Install Prometheus Operator: The Prometheus Operator simplifies the deployment and
configuration of Prometheus on Kubernetes.
kubectl apply -f
Configure Service Monitors: Prometheus collects metrics by scraping endpoints.
You need to create ServiceMonitors to tell Prometheus which services to scrape.
The Prometheus Operator manages this for you.
kind: ServiceMonitor
name: my-app-metrics
app: my-app
- port: metrics
Connect Grafana to Prometheus and create customized dashboards for various components.
2. Log Aggregation with Fluentd and Loki
Logs provide detailed information about the system's events. Fluentd is the de-facto CNCF log aggregator, and Loki from Grafana Labs is a CNCF project designed for log aggregation in Kubernetes environments.
Configure Fluentd to collect logs from Kubernetes pods and services.
helm install loki grafana/loki-stack
3. Distributed Tracing with Jaeger
Tracing helps with understanding the flow of requests across microservices. Jaeger is a CNCF project for distributed tracing, making it easier to debug and monitor complex, microservice-based
Deploy a Jaeger instance by applying the following custom resource:
kind: Jaeger
name: simple-prod
strategy: production
Instrument Applications: Use OpenTelemetry SDK to instrument your applications.
OpenTelemetry is another CNCF project for telemetry data collection.
Make sure your microservices export traces compatible with Jaeger.
Visualize Traces in Jaeger: Jaeger’s UI allows you to visualize traces, which helps in
analyzing request flow across services. You can also integrate Jaeger with Grafana for
centralized visualization.
4. Kubernetes Cluster Monitoring with Prometheus and Node Exporter
Kubernetes metrics such as CPU, memory, and disk usage from nodes and pods are critical for monitoring
the cluster health.
Install Kubernetes Metrics Server: The Metrics Server collects resource metrics from
Kubernetes nodes and pods. Install it with:
kubectl apply -f
Install Node Exporter: Prometheus Node Exporter is used to collect hardware and OS-level
metrics from Kubernetes nodes.
helm install node-exporter prometheus/node-exporter
The Node Exporter metrics will be scraped by Prometheus and can be visualized in Grafana.
5. Alerting and Notifications with Alertmanager
Prometheus has a built-in component called Alertmanager to handle alerts based on predefined rules.
- name: example-alert
- alert: HighCpuUsage
expr: node_cpu_seconds_total > 80
for: 1m
severity: warning
summary: "High CPU usage detected"
- name: 'slack-notifications'
- send_resolved: true
channel: '#alerts'
username: 'prometheus'
api_url: '<slack-webhook-url>'
6. Visualization and Centralized Dashboards with Grafana
Grafana acts as a centralized hub for visualizing metrics, logs, and traces from Prometheus, Loki, and Jaeger.
Create Dashboards: Use pre-built Grafana dashboards from the Grafana dashboard library,
or build custom dashboards based on your metrics and traces.
Monitor Across Metrics, Logs, and Traces: Grafana allows you to correlate metrics, logs,
and traces in a single interface. You can drill down from a metric anomaly to related logs
and traces, making it easier to debug issues.
Optional CNCF Tools:
KubeStateMetrics: This tool provides detailed metrics about Kubernetes objects
(such as Deployments, DaemonSets, etc.), which Prometheus scrapes.
Thanos: For long-term storage of Prometheus metrics and a global view of multiple
Prometheus instances.
OpenTelemetry: For unified collection of telemetry data across metrics, logs, and traces in
Final Architecture Overview:
Prometheus for metrics collection, scraping data from Kubernetes and applications.
Fluentd and Loki for log aggregation and query.
Jaeger for distributed tracing.
Grafana as the unified interface to visualize and correlate metrics, logs, and traces.
Alertmanager for alerting and notification.
This setup ensures you have complete observability into your Kubernetes clusters and applications,
leveraging CNCF open-source tools.