Friday, April 23, 2021

[Ballerina] [HTTPS Listener] Cannot use a Direct Certificate File for Service Listener Configuration - Fix

OS: macOS Big Sur 11.1

Ballerina Version: slalpha4

For the listener side to enable SSL via certs and keys, we should provide the configurations keyFile and certFile. Ballerina supports key files in the format of pkcs8


1. openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -out cert.pem 2. copy-paste the content appearing in the terminal starting with -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- and ending with -----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- to a file named privkey.pem 3. openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in privkey.pem -out pkcs8_key.pem

Sample https_listener.bal file.

import ballerina/http; http:ListenerConfiguration helloWorldEPConfig = { secureSocket: { key: { certFile: "../path/to/cert.pem", keyFile: "../path/to/pkcs8_key.pem" } } }; listener http:Listener helloWorldEP = new (9095, helloWorldEPConfig); service /hello on helloWorldEP { resource function get .() returns string { return "Hello World!"; } }

Run the ballerina file as follows.

suhan@Suhan httpslistener % bal run https_listener.bal Compiling source https_listener.bal Running executable [ballerina/http] started HTTPS/WSS listener

Issue a cURL command as follows.

suhan@Suhan httpslistener % curl -k https://localhost:9095/hello Hello World!%

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